How long should you contact a wedding stylist/decoration before a destination wedding?

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Many of our couples often get excited but sometimes also worried about this when we discuss ideas together. We understand it’s challenging for you to imagine how colors go along with one another, how details are arranged…

This is an example of how we mixed different details in a 2D design and how the real wedding looked in the end. In this wedding photo booth:

– The bride loved a combination of flowers and balloons

– The main color was pastel blue but she wanted some shades of peach in it.

– A cool sofa chair would be nice because everyone would have more than one option to pose for interesting photos.

– A meaningful neon sign would be a nice add-on because it shined and caught every eye during the party in the evening.

99% of the wedding design was turned real during the wedding, and the other 1% might be adjusted at the last minute based on the common discussion. And you know what? The bride was super excited about this cool photo booth. We hope you love it too ❤
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